Welcome to the Three Rings

The Three Rings - D’Comselh in the Angelic language - is all around us, but very few humans can see it. It’s a plane of existence overlaying ours, where Angels, Demons, and mythological creatures play out their never-ending struggle for control of our world.

Ready or not, Marcus Byrne and the kids at St Alexis are about to be thrust headlong into this war, pitted against the same monsters that slaughtered their parents. With a little help from their parents’ friends, some demons looking for redemption, and a pile of mythical weapons, they start on a journey to uncover the truth about their pasts while racing wildly toward their destinies.

Second eight - the three rings

By brian byrom

A note from brian

It started when quantity became more important than quality in art and entertainment. Television, movies, literature, music, it all seemed to be garbage content cranked out as quickly as possible. I told myself I could do better.

So, I set out to prove to myself that I could. And while I’m no Rowling or King, I think book one turned out pretty well. Best of all, I had a much better time writing it than I would have ingesting more garbage content.

I hope you agree that it is better than garbage. Enjoy!